Yes, it's true: snow on the ridge! I really enjoyed my latest hike up there which included a fair amount of frozen precipitation, especially higher up where Sunfish Pond, the 44-acre glacial lake at 1,250', was a lovely sea of snow. I saw four Bald Eagles and there was certainly a lot of evidence of animal activity. Yes, I did hear the wolves this time, alas. The wind was blowing parallel to the ridge instead of towards it and, the preserve being two miles south of the ridge, I'm guessing that made all the difference. Ascending the Appalachian Trail was no problem at all but the descent via the Red Dot Trail was very hazardous--there was usually no more than an inch of ice and snow over the thousands of fractured rocks one has to negotiate between the summit of Mt. Tammany and Route 80--so I exercised far more caution than usual during the last hour or so of the hike. A real "slo-go." The day was chilly but, for the most part, sunny, with mist bands obscuring much of the valley below the southside of the ridge. I met two interesting people on the trails yesterday: Brandon, a resident of Belvidere, which is about 10 miles south of the Delaware Water Gap/Kittatinny Ridge on the Jersey side of the Delaware River; and a woman from Philadelphia who had come to the ridge to train for a 100-mile ultramarathon in Virginia later this year. I hope to return to the ridge! , Yes of course, I'll be hoping for more snow! go to for more exciting stories! Please... LIKE US on FACEBOOK